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Networking: Life Encouragement Speakers

If you are a Motivational, Life Coach or Key Note Speaker and want to speak at one of the seminars or webinars fill out the form:

Speaker Registration Form

Here you will find Life Encouragement Speakers that have ideas on how you can deal with your everyday issues and come out on top! Some you may know and others you may not have heard of but they all have a common goal.  The idea that is shared amounst all of them is the importance of helping you and others like you acheive whatever you want. You will find each person that you read about here at our webinars at one time or another.

Gwendolyn D. Adams-Evans

GIWIZ Productions


Screen Writer, Speaker


Gwendolyn has done everything in the entertainment industry while working behind the scenes. Her greatest dealing in life is the trials and tribulations she is experiencing with heart problems and losing her eyesight. The reason she makes for a great motivational speaker is because she has not let it change her nor effect her career. Gwen is a fighter and she continues to help others fight day by day.

Kim Robinson

ELation Magazine

Founder/Owner/Publisher of eLation Magazine

​God Lover/Speaker


Kim has done so much in helping others and that was hard at times especially when she was going through trials of her own. Putting out a magazine about God and the people who love him seemed easy but with so many out it was a big step. Kim took the step anyway and now the magazine is doing great and it has a lot of readers and supporters. 

You can check out each person listed here before checking out their webinars the will be available on our platform.  Just go to their websites and read up on them.


"My aim is to make sure that you get all the information that you can for the changes that you want to make in your life." "You can and will be able to change your life."


Arlene Brown-Mitchell



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